dior exibition - moscow

This morning, I went with her parents to the exhibition Dior, which was held in the Pushkin Museum im.Pushkina. It's just a joy to be there! Gorgeous dress with extravagant prints and style, unusual hats - and, in general, all the ideas of Christian Dior - wonderful! He wanted to become an architect, and therefore tried to produce clothes that emphasize the shape of women, thus decorating them. It's just a great event. I was pleased, and everyone who loves Dior and such exhibitions - visit the remaining two days before closing.

Dior exhibition
More photos from the show.

This walkman was given us so we can listen information about different dresses or picture, about Christian Dior's life and his work. Amazing !
Dior exhibition

I'd like this dress too, it's very tender and air. and this skirt - gorgeous!

Dior exhibition

Of course, I decided to do some pictures. :)



oh, my dress - lucky! I was taking exams in it, and once I passed them all the same - so truehappiest


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